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The versatility of dairy products

Dairy is a very important part of our food requirements. It is essential that we add it to our daily intake. Depending on age and gender of course the intake requirement will differ but a certain amount of dairy consumption is necessary. Luckily dairy products Sri Lanka are fresh and filled with goodness and come in a range of products. Milk is the most popular dairy product which is a wonderful beverage for kids .
dairy products Sri lanka

Why you should incorporate dairy into your daily diet

In the recent past, unfortunately dairy products have been getting a bad rap. However, recently people have started to once again understand the nutritional value of dairy and the importance of having it incorporated into meal times. We are lucky as dairy products Sri Lanka are of the freshest quality and produced under the highest standards. Pelwatte products have caused a dairy revolution in Sri Lanka with its high quality products that are slowly .
Yogurt in Sri Lanka

Nutrients in Yoghurt that benefit the skin

Yoghurt is considered a super-food, and is part of many weight loss and special diet programmes that have come out in the recent past. One of the reasons for this special status is the fact that it contains a whole host of nutrients that are essential for the human body. In this article we will take a look at the main nutrients in yogurt that are responsible for rejuvenating and promoting a healthy complexion. .