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milk products in Sri lanka

The Sri Lankan Milky Way

The Asian continent has been known as the region heavily involved in farming in ancient times, and still certain countries in the region are known as farming countries. Sri Lanka is one such country which was known to be a farming country. Anyone who knows about farms will also know that it consists of cattle, lots and lots of cows. Times have changed and Sri Lanka has become a state heavily dependent on exports .
Butter in sri lanka

Bring Butter to Your Table

Everyone likes a bit of butter in their food, because, even a small quantity of butter makes the blandest food item taste better. It is a magical quality of butter. However, it has also been blamed for obesity and heart diseases. But, all of us have been misled with this ‘butter is bad’ concept. Most of us have preferred margarine instead of butter thinking it is health, however, it is not the case, as .
Health Benefits of milk

Drink “Pelwatte” stay healthy

  In today’s world of fast food products, healthy and nutritious foods are truly hard to find. We all, especially children tend to avoid drinking milk. But at present there is a wonderful solution in the form of Pelwatte Dairy which is famous in producing nutritious and healthy products. The Pelwatte Dairy Industries Limited is a registered company in Sri Lanka who is well known for its dairy products. It is equipped with high .