Nutrients in Yoghurt that benefit the skin

Yoghurt is considered a super-food, and is part of many weight loss and special diet programmes that have come out in the recent past. One of the reasons for this special status is the fact that it contains a whole host of nutrients that are essential for the human body. In this article we will take a look at the main nutrients in yogurt that are responsible for rejuvenating and promoting a healthy complexion.


Zinc is well known for containing anti-inflammatory properties that reduce swelling caused by acne or rashes. Zinc also acts as a mild anti-astringent, helping tighten the skin. Zinc is an essential mineral in cell reproduction, and is known to reduce the size and severity of acne outbreaks and pimples. The zinc in yoghurt helps regulate oil production in the sebaceous glands, and prevent oily skin and the aforementioned acne outbreaks.

Lactic Acid

Lactic Acid is the key ingredient in all milk derivations, including yoghurt. It is used heavily in skincare products as an agent to smoothen, exfoliate, and moisturise skin. Applying yoghurt on rough skin areas comes recommended, as it will smoothen and moisturise the area, leaving it fresh and soft. Lactic acid in Yoghurt also helps keep wrinkles at bay, and even reduces existing wrinkles by tightening the skin, giving it a soft radiance.


It may surprise you that most of your epidermis (outer layer of the skin) consists of calcium. Calcium is widely touted as necessary for the development of bones and teeth, but it is an important part of skin regeneration as well. Yoghurt is high in calcium, which is also a great anti‑oxidant. The anti-oxidant properties of calcium in the yoghurt help prevent and heal dry scaly skin. Calcium in yogurt also facilitates skin renewal.


Yogurt is packed with vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B12, and vitamin B5. One cup of yogurt contains 30.5% of the daily recommended dosage of riboflavin, which is beneficial for a healthy skin that is glowing and hydrated. Riboflavin is also necessary for cell growth and regeneration, and protects skin cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin B5 is responsible for facilitating the production of healthy fats in your body’s cells.

Listed above are a few of the most vital nutrients in Yoghurt. Whether you eat it or use it as a cosmetic treatment, yoghurt is a key ingredient for healthy living.

Milk for skin