Pure Sri Lankan Milk – Only From Pelwatte Dairies.


Sri Lanka has a history of producing milk going back several millennia, as evidenced by the rich array of indigenous culinary delights that the country has to offer. Sri Lanka was once a nation that was self-sufficient in milk, and seeing someone with a pot of milk first thing in the morning was seen as a sign of good luck for the day. It was not uncommon for locals to own their own cattle almost exclusively for milk.

In modern times, things are a bit different. Population growth, modernisation, and industrialisation have taken away self-sufficiency in milk in the island. Most milk and milk products are imported, most commonly in powdered form. Sri Lankans shifted their main milk consumption option from fresh milk to powdered milk, as it has several advantages. Very few households produce their own milk due to busy lifestyles and reduced space.

Pelwatte Dairy Industries Ltd. was established in 2006 to bridge the gap in the Sri Lankan milk market. It is part of a major plan to make Sri Lanka a nation that is self-sufficient in milk. The Sri Lankan dairy products market was given a new competitor that was capable of producing enough milk to capture a slice of the market share. Pelwatte dairy products include fresh milk, flavoured milk, yoghurt, butter, ice cream, and powdered milk. The Sri Lankan market for each of these products is diverse and unique, and Pelwatte Dairies has established itself as a new and exciting player providing a niche product range using locally sourced milk to create international standard dairy products.

Pelwatte Dairies’ state-of-the art factory is the first of its kind in use by a privately owned company. The factory adheres to ISO 22000: 2005 standards.

Some Quick Numbers
Company Name:  Pelwatte Dairy Industries Ltd
Incorporated:       29th December 2006
Location: Buttala, Moneragala District
Owner: Mr Ariyaseela Wickremanayake
Investment: Rs. 1.5bn
Production: Milk15,000 litres fresh and flavoured milk (daily)10 MT milk powder (daily)50,000 cups yoghurt (daily)2 MT butter (daily)
  Other60 MT animal feed
Certifications: ISO 22000: 2005

Pelwatte Dairies plans to expand its operations from the current single-factory model to multiple locations in Sri Lanka. Its production of animal feed to complement milk production and encourage local milk production is a part of its overall strategy. Pelwatte Diaries strives to be one of Sri Lanka’s top brands for dairy products, and a market leader in the dairy industry in Sri Lanka by providing high quality locally sourced milk and milk products to the local market.