Milk – Nature’s elixir to beautify your body

After water, milk is the most popular, and most common, drink in the world. The health benefits of drinking milk have been long known and well documented. Although not everyone can handle drinking milk, there are other ways to make milk work for you, to make your body more beautiful and radiant.

Milk has been known to benefit both your skin and hair, and milk-based beauty products are commercially available. Although the commercially available products help you to a certain extent, nothing can compare to a natural home-made milk cleanse.

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Milk Benefits the Skin

Queen Cleopatra of Egypt was known to bathe in milk every day, making her one of the most radiant beauties of the time.

Milk is the path to a better complexion. It is also very easy to apply. Apply some raw milk all over your face and neck, and wash it off with cold water after 10 minutes. You will begin to notice immediate improvements to your complexion. You can also use a face pack. For this, mix 2 tablespoons of milk, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, and apply this mixture on your face after cleaning. Wash it off using cold water after 10 minutes, and you will find that your skin has become fairer and softer.

Raw milk is also the best cleanser for your skin. Wipe your face with a cotton ball dipped in raw milk, leave it on for 5 minutes and wash it off using cold water. This cleanses the skin and makes it fair and supple. Alternatively, blend 2 slices of papaya in milk, and apply this mixture on your face and neck. Leave it on to until it dries and then wash with cold water. You will feel your skin becoming fresh almost immediately.

Milk and honey is the best combination to give your skin radiance. Mix 2 tablespoons of powdered milk, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 2 tablespoons of warm water into a paste. Apply this paste all over your face and neck, and leave it on until it dries off completely, and becomes stiff. Use warm water to wash it off. Regular application of this combination gives the best results. The consumption of milk on a daily basis can improve your skin from the inside, as it will provide the necessary nourishment.

To remove dead skin cells off your face, try the following milk scrub: Dissolve a pinch of salt in boiling water and add 4 cups of instant non-fat milk. Let it soak for about 20 minutes. Use this scrub to clean your skin.

To shrink pores: Sour milk or sour cream can be used to effectively shrink large pores. Apply some sour cream evenly over your face and neck, let it dry for 15 minutes and wash it off using cold water. Your pores will shrink on regular use.

Use sour cream, sour milk, or buttermilk to apply on irritated skin. Leave it on till it dries and wash with cold water to relieve any irritation.

For sunburnt or sun-tanned skin, apply some buttermilk and soothe your skin.

Make your skin smooth with a facial or body scrub using milk. Add 3 tablespoons of oatmeal to a cup of milk, and use this as a scrub to clean your face and body. Leave it on till it dries off. Clean it with warm water. Regular use is recommended.

Mix half a banana and some raw milk into a paste and apply to get rid of wrinkles and fine lines.

Milk Benefits Your Hair

For soft and silky hair, you can use milk to wash it. Leave raw milk on for a few minutes and wash it off with cold water. Make sure that you don’t wait for too long after applying it on your scalp as the milk might dry and become sticky, potentially damaging your hair when rinsed. Avoid this method if you have dandruff.

You can use milk as a conditioner as well. Simply fill a spray bottle with cold milk and spray it on your hair while combing gently. Wash off the milk after 10-15 minutes.

Milk Benefits Your Overall Health

Milk has long been known to aid development of strong bones and teeth, due to its richness in calcium. Drinking milk fortified with vitamin D is recommended, as it helps absorb calcium from the milk.

Drinking milk after a workout can help boost muscle growth, as milk is rich in proteins and minerals.

Milk has myriad other uses, and is the perfect accompaniment for a healthy lifestyle. It acts as an energy booster, it neutralises the negative effects of unhealthy food, and comes in many variants, from raw milk itself to milk derivatives such as butter, cream, yoghurt, cheese and ice cream, among others.