Know Your Milk

All throughout our life milk plays a big part. When we are kids we are fed milk as a natural source of vitamins and minerals. When we grow up, we use milk powder, with our tea, being Sri Lankans, we cannot do without milk tea every day. So basically milk knowingly or unknowingly has become part and parcel of our life. But, how much information do we know of the milk we drink?

  • Milk goes from cow to the dairy aisle in just two days, making it the freshest, most natural beverage.
  • If we are to get the same amount of calcium as in one 8-ounce glass of milk; we will have to eat 12 servings of whole grains, 10 cups of raw spinach, 6 servings of legumes.
  • 3 cups of milk and milk products are recommended daily for those over age 9 from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
  • 8 ounces of fat free or 1% milk is the ultimate 100 calorie snack pack.
  • Whole milk we drink is the creamiest milk product. It contains the same amount of fat which is 3.5% fat by weight, the exact same amount when it leaves the cow. Milk also contains several vitamins, and out of them the most vital is Vitamin D. Vitamin D greatly helps the absorption of Calcium, and Calcium is the main mineral which prevents osteoporosis.
  • Fat-free milk (also known as non-fat or skim milk), has no more than 0.2% milk fat, and low in calories but, it has just as many nutrients as whole cream milk.
  • Lactose is the naturally occurring sugar in milk. There are individuals who are lactose intolerant. For them they can use lactose-free milk. It tastes great and provides the same levels of calcium, potassium, Vitamin D and more.
  • One cup of milk (any type) provides:
    • 30% of your daily volume of Calcium
    • 26% of your daily volume of Riboflavin
    • 25% of your daily volume of Vitamin D
    • 25% of your daily volume of Phosphorus
    • 22% of your daily volume of Vitamin B-12
    • 16% of your daily volume of Protein
    • 11% of your daily volume of Potassium
    • 10% of your daily volume of Vitamin A
    • 10% of your daily volume of Niacin

Glass for glass, the health benefits of milk cannot be underestimated: Milk and milk products can build strong bones, lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of diabetes and some cancers and help you maintain a healthy weight.

Pelwatte Dairy is premier producer of dairy products in Sri Lanka. They produce a host of milk products (sterilized milk, flavoured milk, full-cream milk powder, and non-fat milk powder). They are known for their quality and purity. Now that you have read about the benefits of milk, please reach out and buy the products of Pelwatte Dairy.
