Consumer trends to develop food that fits modern lifestyles



Compared to several years ago, the lifestyles of many people today have changed drastically. Along with that people’s food and beverage trends have also changed to fit their modern lifestyles more perfectly. As many people today have busy lives especially when it comes to their careers, very few families sit together to have a meal. Due to this food companies today have to study various food and beverage trends to make sure their products fit the needs of the modern consumer. There are many such food trends which are common now, here are just a few of them.

Fresh and Refrigerated food is in high demand now than they were a few years ago. 78% of modern consumers prefer these fresh ingredients more than the processed food. It has also been shown that 9 in 10 adults think that fresh food is healthier while 80% feel it is tastier. Eating for a specific lifestyle is very common as lifestyles are changing dramatically and along with it eating patterns and demographics. This has led to companies packaging and marketing their products differently to cater to these different lifestyles. Most people eat alone while family meals are becoming rare. Reasonable snacking is also a growing food trend where in-between snacks have grown from two per day in 2010 to three per day in 2014. Many adults choose healthy snacks such as smoothies, yogurt, juices, nutrition bars, trail mixes, nut butters and popcorn. Discovering new cuisines is yet another trend where importance is given to more sophisticated food experiences, unique flavours and culinary narratives. 40% more people buy products such as cheeses and baked goods. Trends that are common in 2015 include pickling, fermenting and smoking.

Exclusion diets include experimenting with alternative eating styles. Many adults try regimens such as gluten free, lactose free, raw/living foods, dairy free or a juice cleanse. Meat alternatives are common with eggs being the most popular replacement for meat. Also allergies and food intolerances have influenced people’s diet choices. Breakfast has become more popular than it ever was with people having breakfast five times a week. This helps to provide energy, mental focus, and helps to control weight. Ethnic breakfast choices are most popular such as chipotle, chutney and chimichurri. More and more people are Rethinking natural by buying more local foods and beverages, organic products, natural foods and non-GMO offerings which are far healthier choices. Whole food nutrition is also important as fibers and whole grains were much sought after in the year 2014. Popular culinary ingredients included non wheat flours such as barley and rice. In 2013 the food that sold the best included real fruit or fruit health benefits.

“Cook-less” meals are also becoming more and more popular with more individuals opting for meals which can be prepared in 20 Minutes or less. One-pot meals, marinated meats and poultry were the most popular in this trend along with packaged meals and kits and oven baking. Diet watching is very popular for various reasons including health, weight loss, limiting fat, sugar and sodium, preventing future medical issues and treating medical conditions. Keeping up with these modern lifestyle trends will help food companies and providers more efficiently develop food to suit the needs of the consumers.